Zone Out Tune In Healing The Mind, Body & Soul

A journey of observation, of noticing the beauty all around. Knowing there is dark, but choosing to see the light, consciously looking for the light. Developing a detached awareness, yet still feeling a sense of love and kindness to all. Developing a deep connection to self, thereby consciously choosing where to go and who to spend time with. Tuning in and connecting to your life purpose and dreams. Developing the courage to step forward and manifest those dreams.
From my heart to yours
Mindfulness is being alive and knowing it... John Kabat- Zinn
What is Meditation?
Meditation is immersing yourself into something, it could be as simple as colouring in or going for a mindful walk
Can anyone Meditate?
Yes, I will show you different ways to meditate and focus on your breathe.
Will I have to close my eyes?
Not necessarily, there are various meditation techniques
How long will it be before I see change ?
This is dependant on how often you practice.
The more you practice, the sooner you will see the change
I would love nothing more than to help you on your journey. Maybe you need some balance in your life. Maybe you need to release and let go or even invite something in.Whatever it is, thats personal to you, please know you have the power. You have the answers, you have the inner wisdom. I will show you how to unlock your potential and start trusting your inner voice.
Email or Whatspp me today .......and let me help you begin your journey to a fulfilled, happy and peaceful life. x
whatsapp : 07912217528